This page is meant for those who have been designated PF Translators by our staff. If you are interested in being a translator, please contact us.
If this is your FIRST Translation...
Thanks for taking the time to help us out with translating This will be a big step forward, and we look forward to having you on our team to make PokerForum the best on the web!
Click here to download PoEdit, which is the software you will use to enter your phrase translations. It's a very small software and is easy to use.
Or, go to and DOWNLOAD and INSTALL the software.
You need to save our messages.pot file to your computer so you can do the translations. To do so, please RIGHT CLICK on the link below and go to SAVE AS.
Download Here: messages.pot
Open the Poedit software you installed. Go to File > New Catalog from POT File
Select the messages.pot file that you saved in step 2. This will open a "Settings" window
For Project Name and version, please enter:
Select the LANGUAGE you are translating to, then click OK.
It will ask you what you want to Save As. Please enter your language.po. For example, SPANISH.po. Then click "Save"
Now you are ready to translate. You will see a lot of terms for translating. At the bottom in the blank space, enter the translation. Do this for the entire list, but IGNORE {variables}, & and © symbols.
When you are done, go to File > Save. This will update your language file.
Email us the SPANISH.po file (or whatever you named it) so we can put it on the website.
If you have translated for us before...
If you've translated for us already, you should have a .po file saved to your computer from previous translations. If you do NOT have this file, either contact us or start at step 1 above.
You need to save our latest messages.pot file to your computer so you can update the translations. To do so, please RIGHT CLICK on the link below and go to SAVE AS.
Download Here: messages.pot
Right Click and go to Save As for your language file from below, and Open it in the PoEdit software.
Portuguese (Brazil)
Go to Catalog > Update from POT File
Browse to find the messages.pot file you downloaded in Step 1 and select Update. This will add all the untranslated phrases to your .po file without replacing all those you already translated before.
Go through and translate any BLANK or FUZZY phrases. A Fuzzy phrase will show up in yellow, and you need to either mark it as resolved or re-translate the phrase so it is correct. Do this for the entire list, but IGNORE {variables}, & and © symbols.
Once the entire file is translated, go to File > Save. This will update your local language file.
Email us the SPANISH.po file (or whatever you named it) so we can put it on the website.
Make sure you keep the .po file because you will use it for future translations as well.